hey sports fans, wow!  it's been over six months since I've updated the yayjocelyn.com blog???  what has happened in the meantime?  well, I took 5th place amateur at the Treasure Island Tri-turned-Duathlon, then was madly studying for my orthotic board exams.  I found out in February that I passed, so I am now officially a certified orthotist!  that makes me Jocelyn Wong, MSPO, CO.

The past few months I've been juggling working full time during my prosthetic residency while training for my first Ironman as a pro, just a couple weeks ago.  Ironman China!  Land of my people!  It was a big trip for me, as not only was it my first time being in the pro division, but also my first time overseas and in the country of my ancestors.  Culturally it was a very enriching experience, and I vow to return next year, not only to race better and faster, but to also speak better Mandarin so I could communicate with the locals.

It was a very tough "day in the office" as temperatures went up as high as 114*F, with over 95% humidity as it was on a tropical island.  I did the best I could in the conditions, but training in our mild San Francisco Bay Area climate, where it is only 45-55*F before and after work was a big contrast.  I was the youngest pro woman by 3 years and I'm pretty sure no other pros were also working full time, so I'm ecstatic with my 9th place finish and truthfully I have never been so happy to see the finish line of an Ironman.

It was also great to be part of the teamTBB brigade and finally meet many of my teammates.  Our two other women, Belinda and Donna, took 1st and 2nd!  Both have been pros since the late 90's (before I even got a bike), so I have much to learn from them and lots of time.  I'm currently working on a race report, and hope to update the website when I can.  Thanks for reading, and for all your support!