Hey sports fans, I apologize for not updating very often this past month.  I've been averaging 19-hour training weeks and just kickin' back, relaxin', and enjoying my psuedo vacation.  There are actually more updates on my other blog on the team TBB website complete with some dressy-up pics from my cousin's wedding.  And if you want to hear me dish a little more on training and minor details of life, I also have a LiveJournal that I've kept since my senior year in college.  so please forgive me for neglecting this blog, I didn't ever think I'd end up with three!

very soon, tomorrow actually, I will start work again--really excited but at the same time trying to figure out when to fit the training in.  Stay tuned!


well, a couple of weeks ago I was made extra official on the teamTBB website, in my very own team shirt and visor!

They are calling me their new "development pro athlete," and since returning home, that's exactly all I've been doing.  I'm on my third full week of the "beginner program," which already has me swimming, biking, and running more than I have in a while.  or ever?  I think I am finally getting used to swimming five times a week, something I've never done before.  but what I should really be doing is unpack the 20 boxes sitting in the living room before Mom gets fed up with me enjoying the "development pro" lifestyle too much...  ;)

I've signed up for my first tri back here at home, the Folsom International Tri about a month from now.  Looking through the remainder of the 2007 season, I'll need to race 2:22's in my Olympic races and break 5 hrs at the Big Kahuna half IM if I want to qualify for my pro card before next year.  That's taking 6 minutes off my Olympic best and 16 minutes off my half IM best, but hey, I am being coached by the best, have a great support team here at home (Mom = #1 sherpa and personal chef!), and seriously motivated.

In the meantime, I've got a standalone running race and standalone open water swim race coming up--the Wine Country Half Marathon is this Sunday, and in two more weeks I'm gonna have a go at the Lake Del Valle 2-mile Aqua Challenge.  No taper or anything, so we'll see how I do in these "training days."  My goals for the two at this point is a PR in the half mary (January I ran a 1:37) and breaking an hour in the swim.  ok, well, I'll keep you posted as I become developed into the pro athlete I know I have hiding inside of me!