hey fans and lovers

I seriously missed last month's update, and almost this one too!  It's the last day of September, which of course makes me sing some Green Day in my head...

summer has come and past
the innocent can never last
wake me up, when September ends...

Of course, when I wake up tomorrow, it will be October.  OCTOBER!!  I missed the last update because I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get done all the crazy last-minute stuff one gets done before moving to a foreign country for 2 months.  I can't believe I've almost been here for a month now!  It's been fun, definitely eye-opening, and makes me realize how lucky I am to be following my dream here.

There are moments when I feel like such a spoiled American girl, even so, I can almost blend in with the locals.  One thing that is different, being the token Asian on our team, is that I don't get stared at or harassed quite as much as the white kids.  hahaha!  I mean, I still get stared at and harassed for money by people for being tall (SUPER tall for an Asian, especially in this country) and obviously not a local for the way I dress (mostly spandex these days).  But I've got the black hair and darker skin (and even darker these days with the time I spend in the sun) and a lot of sales people actually will talk to me in Tagalog...not that I can understand much of it!

Our head coach actually arrives this weekend, and that is why we sing "the innocent can never last..." because the real boot camp is about to begin!  In the meantime, I have been getting my fitness up to prepare for boot camp--the last couple months of residency were not so "pro triathlete friendly" in terms of getting big hours in.  I've also been helping out the local prosthetics clinic in Manila and going to their monthly missions in the Pampanga province.  The next one is this Saturday, and I'm also trying to figure out how to best help out the local amputee population in terms of improving their care here.  So I've been meeting a lot of people and talking and networking.  I also need to be studying for my prosthetic board exams which will be taking place a couple weeks after I get back from camp!  yikes!

well, that is the scoop for now.  I've been lousy about updating this website, but thank you for all your support and please check out my teamTBB blog for more frequent updates and PICTURES!!  My stat counter says I'm getting over 120 "page views" on this site every day, whatever that means...well I think it means I should try to update this website if so many people are looking at it!  Geez these pictures are OLD!

hugs and kisses the Pinay way (it's a cheek kiss),