I broke 10 hours for the first time, won the women's race, and took 2nd overall at GreatMan!  Meaning only one guy could beat me!!!  I actually chicked 8 out of the 9 pro men :D

what an incredible feeling...going under 10 is something that was on my "lifetime" list of goals for triathlon.  Actually that was the one thing I had mentioned 2 posts ago here when I mentioned the "someday dream list"!!  I only broke 5 hours in a half 15 months ago at Vineman 70.3 (July 2008) and actually...I only broke 12 hours in an ironman for the first time at IM China this April.  Only 6 months and 6 days before GreatMan.  I guess I skipped the breaking 11 hours part!!
2009 has really become the triathlon season of my life--the best year of my life PERIOD!  Even though it's already November, it's not over yet.  GreatMan was my 4th ironman this year, and I am currently in Panama City Beach for #5, IM Florida, in a few days.  I've been working on my race report which should be up on my teamTBB blog in another day or two.  IM Cozumel is another 3 weeks later and is #6! I've raced Florida once back in 2003.  It was my 2nd Ironman and PW (personal WORST) at 13hrs and 50 minutes. I wouldn't mind taking 4 hours off my time!  hehe.  thanks for reading and for all your support!!