ok, it's the last day of July so I better do my "Monthly YAY Jocelyn" update.  Do you ever look at my website and just feel like cheering for me?  I do.  yaaaay Jocelyn.  yaaay!  That is the whole point of the website, really.  It's for self-promotion in the sport, for the sponsors primarily, and the 1 or 2 of you in my fan club.  ;)  Quite honestly, jocelynwong.com was already taken, jocelyn.com may or may not be a porn site, and yayjocelyn.com sounded so much cooler!  I got the idea from Jessi Stensland's website actually, hers is gojessi.com.  So I thought about gojocelyn.com, and it was my friend Bill in Dallas who suggested yayjocelyn.com.  that's the story!

speaking of self-promotion, I got nominated for, and subsequently won, Athlete of the Month in my local tri club, Team Sheeper!!  It was an honor to be nominated, and I then took it upon myself to see it as running for student body president or prom queen...in the spirit of the 2008 campaign season, I emailed a tongue-in-cheek campaign letter to my club explaining why they should vote for me, and not the other two candidates.  oh, the smears!  It was all for laughs, and I was pretty excited to end up winning.  One guy was so impressed with me that I ended up winning a date with him, too.  niiiice.  Here is my Athlete of the Month profile...it's kind of like an interview and the most important quote  is "I'm currently happily single, but I hear that once a girl becomes Athlete of the Month, her social calendar and datebook literally EXPLODE."  hehe.  I also say "Remember, winning comes to those who want it most!"  I don't remember where I've heard this before, or if I just pulled it out of my butt, but it sure is a good quote, isn't it?  actually, maybe I did just make it up myself , I just googled it and it points to my livejournal as the only result.  damn, I better trademark that one!!

Speaking of winning, I am a little tired of people (non-triathletes, usually family members or co-workers) asking "so DID YOU WIN?" after each race I do.  I've never won a race outright, and sometimes I win my age group.  But it's not always about what place you get.  At Vineman 70.3, I finally broke 5 hours at the half distance (on my 15th try, woohoo) and to me, I won that day.  Sure I got spanked by the pros and 14 other amateur women (who completely handed it to me on the swim, I just never caught up) but I was so happy finishing under 5 hours, I could have cried.  My race report is here; it is full of swear words so if you are sensitive to f-bombs, you shouldn't read it.  I am really proud of myself because I faced the pain, and am learning to mentally push through the pain barriers, how to keep suffering when your body wants to back down.  Vineman followed 3 weeks after the Buffalo Springs 70.3, where I had a spectacular mental blow up and raced nowhere near where I should be.  I was extremely disappointed in myself, and it proved to be a very expensive (but effective!) lesson in exposing my weaknesses.  It lit a fire under my butt and I felt completely redeemed after Vineman.

Now I've got just one more day of residency (WOW a year has gone by already, and so quickly!) and August will be spent working on my final research paper, training to train, and having a little fun before my life changes forever.  It sounds dramatic, I know, but I've booked my plane tickets (thank you to my friend and flight sponsor Mark!!) and will be boarding that plane to my new life on September 3rd.  I have a feeling that life will never be the same again, and so I will enjoy "life as I know it" for another month.

will let you know how that goes...in another month!!  ;)

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